Friday, November 2, 2012

Fun and Simple Fall Project

My daughter has wanted to make bird feeders since she saw a bird feeder project in a book this summer. Now that November has come, despite our record breaking 87 degree day, it seemed the appropriate time to do the project. The bird feeder from the book seemed a bit complicated and more like something she'd enjoy making when she's a bit older. So, I did a quick search on the internet and found this website with a quick step-by-step for making a bird feeder out of a toilet paper roll.* The project was simple enough that my 3 year old was able to do most of it on her own, and it took a short enough amount of time that it didn't loose her attention span. We hung the feeders on our small maple tree and our mulberry tree. Hopefully some interesting birds show up soon...but, if not, at least it the project kept her busy for the afternoon.

*Note: We used a fruit and nut mix birdseed for our feeders.

1 comment:

  1. I remember doing something similar in 1st grade. Except we used a pine cone. Hope she gets to watch the birds come and go.
